Welcome to our virtual pet training services! As a certified pet trainer with over 7 years of experience, I’m excited to offer personalized and effective training options that you can access from the comfort of your own home.

With our virtual training services, you’ll have the flexibility to choose the training option that works best for you and your companion. Our one-on-one sessions and live training through Google Meet provide you with the opportunity to receive real-time feedback and instruction. We’ll work together to address specific training goals and develop a personalized training plan tailored to your pet’s needs.

For those who prefer more flexibility, we also offer text and email consultations with the added option of video analysis. You can send us videos of your pet’s behaviour during training and receive detailed feedback and guidance on how to improve their training. We’ll provide you with easy-to-follow instructions and support to help you and your pet achieve your training goals.

Whether you’re dealing with puppy behaviour issues, obedience training, or just want to improve your pet’s overall behaviour, we’re here to help. Our virtual training services are designed to help you and your pet build a stronger bond while achieving your training goals.

Are you ready to unleash your pet’s potential? Contact us today to schedule your free initial virtual training consultation and take the first step towards a well-behaved and happy pet!


Virtual Meet

Initial 30-minute discovery call: Free

Per 45 minute live session with email follow-up: $75

Book your free discovery call using the form below!

SMS and Email

Promo: New clients get a 7-day trial on all subscription plans!

SMS Consulting Basic: $30/mo – an affordable option for those who have occasional questions or need quick advice, but who don’t require in-depth consultations.

SMS Consulting Advanced: $100/mo – suitable for new pet owners or those with more complex training goals needing more in-depth coaching.

Get Started Now!

Book your free virtual consultation using the form below, and we’ll be in touch to help you picture the amazing!

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